
Energy Equilibrium

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Every kilowatt of energy created becomes a valuable resource that is an asset on an energy network called the ‘grid’.  The portion of the grid owned by a customer is called ‘the micro-grid’.  The portion of the grid owned by the utility is called ‘the utility grid’.  The grid supplies all of the electric power that we consume.  When we add power to the grid, we increase Energy Supply. When we conserve power from the grid, we decrease Energy Demand.

Empower helps our customers understand the relationship between energy supply and energy demand.  If we increase energy supply on the micro-grid with solar power or clean generators, we can substantially reduce the cost of energy that we need to consume.  If we decrease amount of energy that we need at any time through conservation or demand management (altering the schedule for when we need to use energy), we can also reduce the cost of the energy that we use.  Empower looks at energy supply and energy demand as a single eco-system allowing us to help our customers make choices, reducing cost and creating a new Energy Equilibrium.

Energy Supply

To Empower, our primary goal is to increase the supply of clean, cost-effective energy for our clients.  We celebrate ‘green’ energy supply choices such as solar PV energy.  This solar power is cost-effective and important to reduce operational cost and decrease dependence on oil, coal, and nuclear energy.

Empower Energy also understands critical power and the role of peak power generation.  As such, we work closely with Generac and Kohler on low-emission natural gas peak generators that provide both heat and power. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation offers a very cost-effective, highly efficient model for peak power production.  Given the recent decrease in natural gas prices, natural gas CHP peak power generators paired with solar PV, make a great team to increase green energy supply.

Energy Demand

As we increase energy supply, we also must consider how the energy is used to determine our most efficient equilibrium (lowest cost, best use of energy).  Empower understands the impact of energy demand on energy supply.  We understand that energy must be managed.
Energy Management Energy Management is the process of making predictive and real-time decisions of using energy from different sources.  Stated simply, ‘if you can measure it, you can monitor it; if you can monitor it, you can measure it.’  The primary consumers of energy are:  lights, HVAC systems, and industrial processes (motors, printers, pumps, etc). By management when each consumer uses energy, business decisions can be made that deliver real financial value to our clients.

When these management decisions are integrated with key building control systems, Building Automation  (BAS) becomes integral to the energy management solution and the energy eco-system.

Empower Energy creates solutions for managing energy demand and energy supply curves.


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