Energy Management

Energy Management

Are you looking for options for your energy management needs? Do you wonder where your energy is being used or, worse, wasted? Can you sit down in front of a computer and develop a baseline of your energy usage in the building, your campus or your entire global enterprise? Do you have the tools in place to implement an efficient, cost saving energy management program?

Energy management is the means to reduce operating costs and develop a cleaner environment. Energy management is a continual improvement process involving visualizing real-time energy consumption, measurement, analysis and implementation of programs to reduce usage and cost.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 laid the groundwork, mandating that federal buildings be energy efficient and strongly recommending that private enterprises follow suit. It strongly recommends implementing energy-efficient and savings processes and equipment. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act gives us the details and envisions a modernized, more energy-efficient America through targeted investments in updating your infrastructure.

Every business and enterprise can implement an energy management program, which becomes particularly effective when supported with the right metering equipment and monitoring solutions. Many programs begin with energy consumption goals and objectives; then an energy audit is performed to identify all the possible energy improvement opportunities at a site. Once these improvement recommendations are implemented, the metering and monitoring help ensure that these improvements are realized and sustained.

The Empower Energy Assessment includes:

  • Facility Energy Profile: Appropriate physical and logical facility energy drawings with major energy users including HVAC, lighting, manufacturing equipment and data centers.
  • Utility Bill Analysis: Complete analysis of utility bills including a table providing consumption, peak demand, and other billing factors including time of use and wholesale rates.
  • Building Systems Analysis: Includes HVAC, lighting and building automation energy assessment including run times, management process, and system efficiencies.
  • Energy Conservation Stratgies and Recommendations: Establishes energy goals and success benchmarks. Specific recommendations provide support to meet energy conservation goals.
  • Operating Savings and Capital/Operating Cost Calculations: Defines real dollar savings and capital/operating costs associated with implementing recommendations associated with your energy goals.

Empower Energy can make your building better. It’s all about being smarter, using less energy, being more efficient, lowering operating costs and adding to the bottom line, being safer, and contributing to a sustainable environment. Implementing Energy Management Solutions from Empower Energy allows you to take control of when, how and where you spend your energy dollars.


Empower Energy Technology
Your Energy Solutions Provider
