
Energy Management Services

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Empower Energy helps you optimize your energy usage as well as create a “Green Culture” throughout your organization. Empower achieves this through a comprehensive portfolio of services tailored for every stage of your energy management program, from planning and advising, energy audits, and finally to our turnkey project services. Our solutions integrate and optimize elements of your energy management system to make sure it is aligned with federal, state and local government goals for energy reduction and measurement.

Energy Management Planning Services

  • Develop an energy policy and/or energy management strategy
  • Develop corporate and organizational energy goals and objectives
  • Provide organizational capability support in terms of identifying energy-focused resources, roles and responsibilities
  • Provide organizational energy management awareness training
  • Assist in the periodic review of energy goals and performance against these, including integration of changes or refinements to your energy strategy, plan or program
  • Keep your organization current with energy regulatory requirements and technology

Energy Audits

  • Review organizational readiness and buy-in to energy management plans and goals
  • Collect and analyze historical energy use
  • Study your building and its operational characteristics
  • Identify energy conservation opportunities
  • Perform an engineering and economic analysis of potential modifications and operational improvements
  • Identify financially viable projects that improve energy usage and/or efficiency and improve application and utilization of alternative energy sources or strategies
  • Prepare a rank-ordered list of appropriate modifications and/ or operational improvements

Turnkey Energy Project Services

  • Specializing in project management, project execution and accountability
  • Assist in accelerating the implementation process and reduce the cost – when involved with the energy audit
  • Guarantee that the project ties back to original energy goals and objectives
  • Assist with financial solutions, ensuring that viable projects and energy reductions are not just studied and reported on, but are actually realized in the shortest time possible

Empower Energy can make your building better. It’s all about being smarter, using less energy, being more efficient, lowering operating costs and adding to the bottom line, being safer, and contributing to a sustainable environment. Implementing Energy Management Solutions from Empower Energy allows you to take control of when, how and where you spend your energy dollars.


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