Solar Energy

Choate Construction
Choate Construction

Choate Construction Company commissioned a 74-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) energy system for their headquarters building located at Northridge Plaza in Atlanta, GA. They chose Empower to design the system, because “they presented [Choate] with an innovative solution and solar technology that provides the most solar production with a compelling ROI.”

Mizuno USA, Inc.

“When Mizuno USA opened its data center to support our new distribution center, we knew disaster recovery had to be a part of the plan. A big part of that plan was a standby/backup power system for reliable uninterrupted power. The critical power system that included generators and UPSs to support the data center, security and communications was professionally engineered and facilitated by Empower Energy Technology. From start to finish, Empower got the job done … on time and within budget.”

Mizuno USA, Inc.

“When Mizuno USA opened its data center to support our new distribution center, we knew disaster recovery had to be a part of the plan. A big part of that plan was a standby/backup power system for reliable uninterrupted power. The critical power system that included generators and UPSs to support the data center, security and communications was professionally engineered and facilitated by Empower Energy Technology. From start to finish, Empower got the job done … on time and within budget.”

