Critical Power Technology

Critical Power Technology

Risk Assessment

Life used to be a lot simpler. The reality is that we live in an age and time where a lot of what we do in our personal and business lives revolves around the use of electrical power. Being prepared does not have to be complicated. It’s just a matter of analyzing your situation and doing a risk assessment. Empower can assist you in this assessment.

Always On

Parallel Generator Set

An outage today can cost tens of thousands, or even millions, of dollars. Today, sizing and specifying standby power systems is becoming a business decision, driven by economic risk assessment and a continually growing dependence on a virtually perpetual source of electric power.

Empower Energy Technology believes every company needs to conduct an economic risk assessment before making any decision on a standby power system. We can assist you in this assessment. Every business is different and we have the expertise, experience, and knowledge to perform a thorough assessment that will be right for your business. From design and engineering to maintenance and support, Empower Energy Technology is here to assist you in staying Always On.


Empower Energy Technology
Your Energy Solutions Provider
