
The Energy Audit

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Whether driven by the economy, business conditions, corporate policies, regulatory requirements (such as EPACT or EISA) or an executive order, energy audits play a critical role in:

  1. Reducing operating cost
  2. Preparing for cap and trade
  3. Reducing energy consumption

Additionally, energy audits are required on an ongoing basis to drive energy management and continuous improvement. Empower’s role as an energy solutions provider can help you succeed in sustainability initiatives through energy engineering and technology, reducing energy consumption and costs.

What is an energy audit?

An evaluation or study on how efficiently energy resources are being used in a business, facility or system. This audit includes evaluating systems such as:

  • Building envelope
  • Lighting
  • HVAC
  • Water
  • Steam
  • Compressed air
  • Process system(s)
  • Operation, control and maintenance of all of the above

How are energy audits used?

  • They identify Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) that, when implemented, reduce energy consumption and cost
  • Identify financially viable projects that 1) improve energy usage and/or efficiency, 2) improve application and utilization of alternative-energy sources or strategies and 3) reduce maintenance costs
  • Provide knowledge that is used to allocate resources, make funding decisions, and drive energy-management strategies and planning
  • Validate that energy management program initiatives and improvements are effective and sustainable

Steps in performing an energy audit

  1. Historical energy usage data is collected and analyzed
  2. The building and its operational characteristics are studied
  3. Potential modifications or operational changes are identified that will reduce the energy use or cost
  4. Engineering and economic analysis of potential modifications is performed
  5. Energy conservation opportunities are summarized along with their corresponding savings and cost, so that next steps, prioritization and allocation of resources can be accomplished
  6. A complete report is prepared that documents all the systems, analysis processes and results

Energy audit tips

  • An energy audit will ideally address energy goals and objectives that have been set for a facility, plant, campus, organization or corporation
  • Looking at an entire facility—across all energy systems, sources (electric, gas, propane, fuel oil, renewable sources, etc.) and operations—provides the greatest opportunity to maximize energy cost savings and create projects that are financially viable
  • Energy audits have to be repeated to ensure savings are sustained, programs are being effective and new opportunities are identified

Contact us today and learn how the Empower Energy can help your company conserve and manage energy and be prepared for any power emergency.


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